Tuesday, March 23, 2010


i am neurotic. i think everyone is when it comes to a certain thing. for me, i don't like to take medicine. i had a bad experience one time with a bad reaction, and i threw up. and anyone who knows me KNOWS i have a fear of doing that. i've had a sinus infection and bronchitis for the past 5 weeks and just praying that it'd go away on its own. it didn't. and yesterday, i found myself waltzing in the walk-in clinic with my mama. and i walked out with a prescription for the z-pak and lots of tears. needless to say, i researched the side effects and was PETRIFIED after reading all the terrible side effects. i took it (i had to). and i didn't experience anything besides my self-induced anxiety. i really think that more bad reviews are prevalent on the internet than good ones because why would someone who feels good from their prescription search on google for "z-pak side effects"? that'd be silly. they feel fine, so they'd go about their lives. but then when neurotic people like me research, the majority of what we find our bad reviews. needless to say, i'm still alive. and i think i'm getting better.

adam & i are getting pharabara in 15 minutes! her foster mama is dropping her off at adam's apartment (that we've completely decked out with toys, kitty litter box, food, and treats). i had better go. :)

happy spring break day 2!

1 comment:

  1. Brennigan, I think it's adorable that you and Adam got a kitty. :) As for your illness, I can't believe it's lasted this long! :/ Your positive attitude is inspiring though, and I hope that it goes away SOON! Praying for you.
