Tuesday, August 17, 2010


tonight was a night for celebration.

after an 8-day vacation in beautiful florida (which i will blog about later), i am back home,
employed, and happy to be right here.

so adam & i made a special chicken marsala dinner for the first time. it was delicious...and will definitely be prepared again.

complete with mickey mouse ice-cubes (compliments of mom & dad).

and chocolate-covered raisins & sprinkled thin chocolates for dessert.

and we will continue to celebrate this night by snuggling on the couch and watching law & order: svu, because tonight, we are on the brink of a new chapter of life. his might include more homework, and mine might include more money. but we are happy. happy for right now.

1 comment:

  1. such a beautiful dinner it was my love! the mickey ice cubes added the final touch :D
